Dietro lo schermo. Gli adolescenti e la comunicazione ai tempi di Facebook

Volume 9 (2013)

Teenagers and the Internet: a topic for reflection and debate that is difficult to escape in a globalised and cosmopolitan society.
How are these tools used by young people? Do they represent real socialising devices in a virtual dimension that then translates into reality or do they alienate the personal encounters? Is there the possibility of a positive interaction between the two experiences? What are the differences between the online construction of reality and the one experienced in real life? What is the relationship between communication and identity? For example, for adolescents who experience a year of life abroad with Intercultura, or for foreign students who spend a year in our schools, how much does staying in constant contact with the country of origin have a negative influence on "adaptation" to a new culture and new friends? What are teenagers doing with these new possibilities to reorganise their social relations in new and changing space-time contexts? Can the network be a device of education to cosmopolitanism?

The volume tries to answer these questions.


Dietro lo schermo

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