Cooperative learning and intercultural education

2014 - 2015

Marialuisa Damini and Alessio Surian
University of Padua

A research funded by the Intercultura Foundation on the development of tools that promote teachers' awareness of diversity and promote intercultural education at school. Applying the methodologies of cooperative learning and starting from previous research of the Foundation ("L'altro tra noi", 2008), the authors reflect on experiences in schools in Veneto and Emilia. Despite the partial data collected, results seem to be positive and indicate possible paths to cope with "other subjects, other values, other representations, other cultures".
These experiences are particularly interesting because they do not fall into the easy rhetoric of "the other as a resource", but highlight the difficulty and fatigue of intercultural dialogue at school. And yet they highlight the value of this method to engage students and teachers in a single educational process.


Intercultura quarterly N° 81 (in Italian)