Skills of an intercultural generation

2012 - 2013

Anna Granata

Scientific Supervision: Milena Santerini
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

The research aimed to explore the intercultural skills acquired by young people through foreign exchanges when they are faced with with an immigrant, to assess whether and how the intercultural competence acquired in other contexts has a reflection on the reception and the ability to manage differences even in more "conflictual" contexts.


Granata, A. (2015). Diciottenni senza confini. Il capitale interculturale d'Italia. Rome: Carocci

Trimestrale Intercultura N° 73

Conferences and presentations

  • Milan, 24 March 2013
  • Milan, 2015 (book presentation)
  • Geo (Rai 3), 9 November 2015
  • Faraheneit (Radio Rai 3), 8 May2015