Cittadinanza e religione in Italia

2021 - 2022

Giuseppe Giordan, Olga Breskaya, Martina Mignardi

University of Padua

Public debates on multicultural citizenship and the management of cultural and religious diversity concern the question of identity construction, the legal-political dimensions of the recognition of rights and social inclusion policies. Drawing on theories of cultural and religious pluralism, multiculturalism, citizenship studies and empirical approaches to the analysis of religious freedom, this research aims to test the following three hypotheses:

Hypothesis 1
Positive attitudes towards other cultures/religions are associated with individual intercultural experiences and competence as well as with higher degrees of cultural identification and multicultural socialisation.

Hypothesis 2
Intercultural competences, multicultural socialisation and identification with Italian cultural heritage are associated with definitions of citizenship as belonging, rights and participation. Strong intercultural competences, together with socialisation into Italian culture as well as another culture, have a positive influence on participants' perception of the dimensions of citizenship.

Hypothesis 3
Stronger intercultural experiences can significantly and positively influence perceptions of religious freedom.


Intercultura Quarterly n° 106 (in Italian)