
The Intercultura Foundation aims to:

1. promote scientific research of particular social interest, encounters and high-level courses on the major transnational issues in Europe and the world and on the study and work relationships among people of different cultures, involving Italian, European and foreign universities, in order to further the knowledge of tools that promote understanding and mutual respect, and international cooperation;

2. document the existing study and internship programs abroad and study their effectiveness, publish up-to-date data on participants, survey "best practices" and disseminate their knowledge through the media, youth information centers, schools, organizing update courses on exchange management and possibly offering advice to organizations interested in them.

3. experiment with innovative programs for youth exchanges, especially with emerging countries: China, India, countries with predominantly Muslim culture, giving scholarships to young people who have no economic means to participate in these programs.

These activities will be organized independently or in collaboration with other research institutions, universities, associations, non-profit organizations.